Thoughts on living in a tiny, remote, farming community in Central Montana....

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


A couple of weeks ago I started to notice some odd things over at the chicken house. We lock our girls up in their little house each night.  But something was getting into the coop yard and leaving some poo behind that I thought came from a raccoon. But coons usually make a huge mess out of everything and there was only a few rocks moved around.  My mom informed me it had to be a skunk, not a coon. 

Putting the trap together with grandma.
So mom went out and bought us a live trap to trap the skunk and solve our problem.  The first night we set the trap inside the coop yard, baited with cat food. Bingo! Then next morning we had us a little skunk in the trap.  Hubby got the job of shooting the critter with the .22 rifle.  It is legal to shoot "nuisance animals" in the town limits with a .22. After he shot it the smell was impressive! Even though it hadn't actually sprayed, it leaked out all over. The whole yard and a two block radius absolutely reeked! We waited a bit and then Hubby and my mom had to empty the trap into a plastic garbage bag and mom hauled it to the dump, outside of town.  They came home with the scent and even though they took their clothes off out in the garage and took showers, it infected our whole house! I had every candle and Scentsy thing burning all day.

Skunk #1
We thought we solved our problem and felt pretty proud to have gotten it taken care of on the first attempt. But mom decided to leave the trap set that night, just in case.  She didn't bother to put any fresh bait in it, not thinking it would really catch another skunk.  Wrong!  The next morning we had another skunk.  Bait or no bait.  So the whole process was repeated.  Shoot skunk, stink up the entire North end of town, wait a bit, get rid of dead skunk.  Mom decided not to leave the trap set that night!
Then we noticed the rocks moved again.... so mom decided to leave it set....again without bait. What do ya know?  Another skunk! This time, not in the coop yard, just out on the lawn.  We were told about covering the trap with a blanket and hauling out of town before shooting it.  They don't spray if they are in the dark I guess.  So Hubby covered it up, set it in the bucket of the backhoe and hauled it out of town to it's demise.  It didn't really help though.  Hubby still had to strip his clothes off out in the yard and take a shower.  They decided to take a break from skunk trapping for a day.....

The Great Skunk Hunter isn't allowed to bring those clothes inside!
Last night, mom left her trap open again.  Just sitting on the lawn, nothing in it. "Just because".  We teased Hubby this morning that he had to go kill the skunk again.  He said, "Nooooo! I just got dressed for the day!"  We told him to just go check, they probably wasn't any more skunks to trap.....Wrong again! Skunk number four was waiting for him.  He came back and geared up to kill another skunk.  Once again this entire end of town stinks to high heaven!  The neighbors have all caught on to our skunk trapping adventures and are all very please we are making the effort.  The skunk problem has been an issue for quite a while I guess.  We have many vacant old houses here in Geraldine.  They make prime homes for skunks.

The ladies that work at the bar/cafe tell me that they watch all kinds of wildlife walk right down Main Street late in the evenings.  Raccoons, fox, deer and of course skunks!  Two weeks ago, the nice lady that lives next door to the little yellow house actually had one come in her house!  The blasted thing went in through the doggie door!  Her two Boston Terriers had at it and she came home to the stench of skunk and fur all over the place!  It got away after making a disgusting mess and spraying everything. Another neighbor lady told my mom how glad she is the we are trapping the skunks. She said she is always trying to keep them out of her yard and has even tried using repellents.

While skunks must have some good qualities, I'm sure.  Most folks agree,  the fact that they are a main carrier of rabies means it's best to exterminate them from populated areas. I have a cousin who was chased and nearly attacked by a rabid skunk when she was a small child. Her mother's quick thinking saved her, thank goodness. ( If that cousin is reading this, you know who you are! *wink*)

So I guess we will keep leaving that trap open and keep shooting skunks.  Hubby will have to keep stripping out in the yard, the town will keep on stinking to high heaven.  But I am starting to wonder how many skunks we will get! Any guesses?

Skunk #4


Friday, September 21, 2012


My soul is most grateful to be alive in autumn.  When the leaves and the fields turn the striking color of gold, the days are warm but not unbearably hot like summer.  Every evening is turning colder.  The ponies are getting fuzzier, warning us that winter is on our heels. This evening in Geraldine is the quintessential autumn evening. It was the perfect time to sneak away on my horse.

The stresses of daily life, marriage, parenting, vocation, health and finances all seem to add straws to the camel.  It can be hard to remember to be grateful.  It can be hard center myself and find any peace.  Except when I'm on the back of my horse. 

Riding can be done many different ways.  But in order to ride as well as our horses deserve, I believe we have to be in the present moment with them.  We can't allow ourselves to be wrapped up in the problems of the other parts of our lives.  The argument we had, the grief our child is giving us, worrying about our job.  It all has to leave our minds while we ride.  When we are in the present with our horses we can focus on their movements and allow our bodies to move with them and find our perfect center of gravity.  We can react with them when a pheasant explodes out of the tall grass, under their nose. We can sense them looking into the distance at the heard of antelope that concerns them instead of waiting to be surprised at the crest of a hill. If we stay in the present moment things tend to go a whole lot better.

So tonight I'm grateful for the opportunity to be brought back to the present. To have the chance to wander down a dirt road among the turning leaves and the tall, dry grass. To listen to the breath of my horse and let him restore my sanity for another day....

Saturday, September 8, 2012


This morning folks from miles around gathered in our little town to watch the homecoming parade.
There were good ol' fashioned floats.
Every little kid in town jumped on their bikes and joined the parade.  Poor Payson, his bike chain fell off at go time. He had to watch from the sidewalk with us.
And what parade would be complete without little girls on horses?
Grant had the best seat in town.
After the parade I snuck out for a quick ride/meditation while the little ones napped. This was the perfect late summer day. Cool and still in the morning but quite warm by afternoon. The wheat has all been harvested, leaving tidy rows of stubble for miles around. The ground looks like it's just been vacuumed with it's perfect tracks. This appeals to my mild O.C.D., which is slightly obsessed with the lines the vacuum leaves behind. Hehe.
No matter how many times I've seen it, I love to look back and see the view of my little town and the emptiness that surrounds it. 
Then it was game time....

Geraldine doesn't have enough kids to have a football team all on it's own.  Neither does the neighboring town of Highwood.  So they have joined forces to form a combined, six man team called the "Rivals".  (They are in blue.)

The Rivals played the Wolverines from Stanford and WON the homecoming game! Score of 46 to 8. 

Just another day in paradise.  I feel so fortunate to have this place to raise my kids.  Small, simple, wholesome. I wouldn't trade it for anything....

Monday, August 6, 2012

Half the Town

So last night I took the "big kids" out riding.  We have Miss Jade staying with us, who is sixteen and Payson came too.  Jade was needing a riding lesson on the art of posting.  Especially since my good ol' Rhett has always had a trot that will jar your teeth! Payson and little Black Gold pretty much wandered around, half out of control in the large paddock where I gave the lesson.

The contrast was humorous.  Jade on the lunge line, steadily concentrating and studying the rhythm of strides.  Working to rise and sit with precision.  Payson on a little black fuzz ball, zig zagging, stopping, backing up randomly and heading over to belly high grass to munch whenever possible. That pony is the most tolerant little guy I've ever seen. Most of the ponies I know would've rubbed off that kid who kicks and jerks and refuses to "only pull one rein when you want to turn!"

We finished at sunset on a perfect evening.  When we pulled up the street in front of our house there was an old Ford truck parked right in the middle of the road.  The neighbors and some friends were standing in the street telling stories and having a beer.  I had no choice but to almost run them over to get past and into my drive way.   I heard, "Hey watch my toes!" through my open window.  But they weren't worried enough to move even an inch out of the way.

"Geez Stubby," I said, "do ya think you own the whole road!?" Stubby is an old guy with a stub where one finger should be and a beard that makes him look like a cross between Grizzly Adams and Charles Manson.  The first time I saw him I admit I was leery.  But then you realize he's really a good ol' throwback of a guy. "Well," he said, "I do own half the town!" 

"Yeah, but I own the other half! " I quipped.  Stubby looked around at my house and beyond to the street where my little yellow house and the trailer house are.  Then he and the neighbors all laughed uproariously. In this town is sure doesn't take a lot to own, "half the town."

Jade was laughing into the driveway and said, "I love this place! It's like you guys are all family". 

"Yes", I told her, "it is just like that"....

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


In the middle of last night we had a thunderstorm.  It eerily arrived at 2:00 a.m. as though to catch us off guard after a nearly perfect, calm evening.  The loud thunder and rain on the roof woke me kept me from sleep for quite a while.  It was an odd feeling I had.  I was anxious because we've had several tornadoes in the area this summer.  Yet I was grateful at the same time.

I had driven home from yet another trip to North Dakota last night.  On the northern horizon was evidence of a huge fire.  A line of smoke stretched as far as I could see.  I said a silent prayer as I drove through the haze.  This is harvest time here in North Central Montana.  This one month provides the one paycheck the farmers get for the entire year.  A prairie fire is a nightmare.  Miles and miles of wheat on other crops stretch up into Canada.  This is part of our country is feeding the world and I'm grateful for it. In the middle of the night I was hoping the rain on my roof was helping put out the fire. 

This morning I was able to sneak away for a long walk down a gravel road.  The strong wind from the west was actually chilly!  But the skies were clear and free from smoke.  The prairie smells almost spicy after a rain.  Rich aromas that you wouldn't be able to imagine unless you've been here.

The dry prairie and I both needed last nights storm....

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Home as Sanctuary

The other day my husband and I had to attend a meeting in hot, sultry Oklahoma.  After 36 hours in 100+ temperatures and high humidity, not to mention stressful business meetings, I needed to go home!  My quiet, peaceful haven from the world.  The twins stayed with Grandma Heidi and were also needing to recoup from non-stop play and spoiling. So when my husband looked at me and said, " I think you should stay in Billings with me for another day."  I looked as him like he was CrAzY!  He was headed to North Dakota the next afternoon and wouldn't it be "fun" to just hang out until he left?  Uh, no.  This girl needed rest.  And sleep.  Two nights with very little sleep and one 4:00 am wake up for an early flight and I was running on fumes.  Jet lag was chasing me.

Darling husband was now officially, quite annoyed.  " You always, just want to go home!" he grumbled. So, I explained my purely exhausted state and impending jet lag.  I explained the condition the babies would be in after two days of pure fun and that I needed to get home while I was still conscious enough to drive for three and a half hours.   I explained that my home is my sanctuary.

Momma's Roses

The yard of our new house is one I have always dreamed of.  Roses, daisies, aspens and patios. A safe yard, filled with fun for the kids. We spend time almost every single day out playing in this


Anyone who has known me well, knows of my love of traveling and experiencing life to the fullest.  I've moved so many times, to many different places and have been the queen of numerous road trips.  But my crown is on the shelf for now.  This life is currently completely insane.  Darling husband and I have four kids. Three of them are age two and under!  We also work together to run a small contracting company.  We are often on the road between home and North Dakota.  That is one LONG, boring road after you have seen it more than say, twice.  Hence my need for the simplicity of home.

A place that smells good when you walk through the door.  Little reminders here and there of what is important in life. 

Don't make me jump!
All of this within a tiny town of friendly, country people. Mornings at the pool for my big boy's swimming lessons and a walk around the neighborhood.

Black Gold
  Afternoons playing with our horses or helping Grammy and Papa with their yard. The twins LOVE sitting our little black pony. Grant now officially says "horse" and snorts whenever he sees a horse anywhere. He makes his momma proud.

So for now my wanderlust has been tamed. I travel when I need to and enjoy a little trip here and there with the kids. My Dad's cabin is always a treat.

 Dad's Cabin
Other wise you can find me here....

Or possibly here...  goodnight.

Bed, sweet bed.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fresh start....

So for some reason Blogspot ate my entire, previous site.  Being somewhat new to this, I haven't been able to determine the cause.  But I have decided it's not such a bad thing.  We've now been in Geraldine 8 months and are starting to blend into the community.  Many, many things have changed in a very short period of time.

The biggest, most shocking change to me, as well as to those that have been following our saga, is that we no longer live in the little yellow house. (I still can't believe it.)  But don't worry, we still own her and she is just as loved and enjoying the life we gave her.

A few months ago it became obvious that it was time to talk my grandparents into moving close by so we can help them continue to enjoy these later years of their lives.  I want them to have a thoroughly beautiful life that is as healthy as possible, for as long as possible.  After MUCH discussion I made them an offer they couldn't refuse.  It was now possible for us to afford a bigger house for our growing family and we were able to give the little yellow house to my grandfolks.  Lowering their monthly bills, getting them close enough we can help them with anything they need.  My Pharmacy background really comes in handy!  They also seem to love my cooking and now join us for many meals.  I get great joy from watching them with their only great-grandchildren.

So now the fun part.... we had to move.  But thankfully we were able to buy a beautiful home one block away from the little yellow house.  Our new home has more room for everyone and it has many features I've always dreamed of.  I literally always wanted a picket fence and a rose garden and now I have BOTH. The yard is gorgeous and perfect for the kids to play in.  The attached garage is a dream too. I could go on but will save more details for another post....  Just know that Geraldine has been so good to us.  Helping our small, family business grow and allowed us to bring our family together.