Thoughts on living in a tiny, remote, farming community in Central Montana....

Saturday, September 8, 2012


This morning folks from miles around gathered in our little town to watch the homecoming parade.
There were good ol' fashioned floats.
Every little kid in town jumped on their bikes and joined the parade.  Poor Payson, his bike chain fell off at go time. He had to watch from the sidewalk with us.
And what parade would be complete without little girls on horses?
Grant had the best seat in town.
After the parade I snuck out for a quick ride/meditation while the little ones napped. This was the perfect late summer day. Cool and still in the morning but quite warm by afternoon. The wheat has all been harvested, leaving tidy rows of stubble for miles around. The ground looks like it's just been vacuumed with it's perfect tracks. This appeals to my mild O.C.D., which is slightly obsessed with the lines the vacuum leaves behind. Hehe.
No matter how many times I've seen it, I love to look back and see the view of my little town and the emptiness that surrounds it. 
Then it was game time....

Geraldine doesn't have enough kids to have a football team all on it's own.  Neither does the neighboring town of Highwood.  So they have joined forces to form a combined, six man team called the "Rivals".  (They are in blue.)

The Rivals played the Wolverines from Stanford and WON the homecoming game! Score of 46 to 8. 

Just another day in paradise.  I feel so fortunate to have this place to raise my kids.  Small, simple, wholesome. I wouldn't trade it for anything....

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